Empower Your Organization with Reconciliation Engine: Build Bridges, Foster Understanding, and Create a Unified Future

Embark on an immersive, story-based journey to deepen your organization's understanding of Indigenous history and cultures, and inspire lasting change through genuine reconciliation.

Across Canada, organizations face significant challenges in cultivating positive internal cultures that foster understanding, cooperation, and respectful engagement with Indigenous communities.

  • With Indigenous rights and intercultural healing gaining prominence in the national conversation, organizations must adapt by taking on the enormous responsibility of educating their staff and leadership on the complex historical and cultural context of Indigenous peoples. Traditional learning solutions like lengthy online courses or in-person workshops can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining, often failing to facilitate genuine empathy and understanding. As a result, organizations struggle to address the unique challenges and sensitivities that Indigenous relations require.

  • Reconciliation Engine is the breakthrough solution your organization needs: a story-based, gamified learning experience that reimagines how your team engages with Indigenous knowledge to foster lasting, meaningful change. Easily accessible through our digital platform, we guide your staff and leadership through concise, powerful lessons, exploring the rich history of Turtle Island and its diverse peoples. Our unique learning approach inspires and empowers your team, converting their newly-acquired knowledge into proactively participating in reconciliation efforts within your organization and beyond.

Your Journey Towards Reconciliation Begins Here

Upon signing up for the Reconciliation Engine, your organization gains access to transformative course materials and a treasure trove of bonus resources.

Designed to integrate effortlessly into your learning and development strategy, our content guides your team through the exploration of Indigenous history and cultures from multiple angles.

Equip your staff and leadership with the knowledge, skills, and empowerment to create lasting change.

  • Accessible and Engaging learning

    Our unique, self-directed learning platform leverages storytelling and gamification to captivate your team every step of the way. Adapting to any device and schedule, Reconciliation Engine creates a comfortable, enjoyable learning experience for all.

  • Bridging the Gap Between Empathy and Action

    Reconciliation Engine effortlessly melds understanding and empathy, transforming your team's newfound insights into proactive engagement with Indigenous communities, thus creating tangible change within your organization.

  • Crafting a Stronger, Unified Future

    Delve into the rich, interwoven history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island, unveiling the insights necessary to foster a unified, equitable, and just future that respects and honours all cultures.

  • Support Included

    Implementing a new learning platform can be daunting, which is why Reconciliation Engine offers dedicated support for content and technical aspects, ensuring a smooth learning experience for your entire organization.

Comprehensive and Engaging Microcourses

Reconciliation Engine's four carefully crafted microcourses captivate users while delving into Indigenous and non-Indigenous history, cultures, and the path toward a more inclusive future. Each module bolsters your team's understanding, empathy, and tools for effective allyship and advocacy.

  • Microcourse 1: Turtle Island

    Uncover the diverse history and cultures of Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island. Embrace the importance of storytelling, treaty-making, and Indigenous worldviews, laying a vital foundation for understanding and empathy.

  • Microcourse 2: Newcomers

    Explore the dynamics between Indigenous peoples and European newcomers. Examine European colonization justifications and early agreements as a means to comprehend the ongoing influence of these interactions on Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations.

  • Microcourse 3: Forming Canada

    Discover how Canada's formation affected Indigenous treaties and rights. Dive into the topics of land surrenders, the Indian Act, residential schools, and the Métis experience, arming your team with the knowledge to drive change and reconciliation.

  • Microcourse 4: Resurgence & Reconciliation

    Journey through the ongoing resurgence of Indigenous cultures and ongoing reconciliation efforts. Develop an understanding of Indigenous aspirations past, present, and future, empowering your organization to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive future.

Bonus Resources to Support Your Reconciliation Journey

In addition to the engaging course content, Reconciliation Engine offers a collection of practical bonus resources designed to enrich your learning experience. Encourage your team to delve deeper into reconciliation efforts with these supportive tools.

  • Bonus 1: Craft Meaningful Land Acknowledgements

    Guide your team towards fostering deeper connections to Indigenous lands and peoples, while promoting ongoing commitment to meaningful engagement and action. Our Creating Land Acknowledgements Worksheet, along with additional online resources, equips your team to compose insightful land acknowledgements, contributing to your organization's reconciliation endeavours.

  • Bonus 2: Advance Reconciliation Initiatives

    Utilize our Creating New Initiatives Worksheet to steer your organization in designing and implementing reconciliation initiatives that contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and just future. Ground your efforts in essential principles, and reflect on the impact of these initiatives, advocating lasting and genuine change.

  • Bonus 3: Cultivate Authentic Relationships

    Develop stronger relationships with Indigenous communities, organizations, and individuals through our Creating New Relationships Worksheet. Discover how to approach potential partners, navigate cultural protocols, and plan for addressing potential tensions, all in the pursuit of meaningful and mutually beneficial alliances.

  • Bonus 4: Stay Engaged with a Calendar of Events

    Keep your team connected to significant observances and events that honour Indigenous rights, cultures, and contributions. Our calendar of Indigenous-focused events guides you through essential dates, including National Indigenous History Month and National MMIWG2S Awareness Day, supporting your ongoing dedication to education and acknowledgment.

Meet your expert instructors

Discover Jacquelyn Cardinal and Hunter Cardinal, the sibling team behind Reconciliation Engine. As nehiyaw educators, consultants, and agents of change, Jacquelyn and Hunter devote their careers to promoting understanding, empowerment, and harmony among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island.

  • Grounded in Indigenous Knowledge

    Leveraging their cultural background and diverse professional experience, Jacquelyn and Hunter incorporate unique insights and personal stories into their teachings, resonating with learners deeply and fostering transformation. Their guidance remains rooted in Indigenous perspectives, knowledge, and experiences while maintaining accessibility and engagement for all.

  • Seasoned Educators and Consultants

    With a combined experience of over 15 years in education, consulting, and public speaking across various sectors, Jacquelyn and Hunter have demonstrated their expertise in raising awareness, facilitating dialogue, and driving action surrounding Indigenous history and the ongoing journey towards reconciliation.

  • Dedicated to Positive Change

    Inspired by their family's unwavering belief in interconnectedness, Jacquelyn and Hunter strive to empower individuals and organizations to contribute to a more unified, respectful, and equitable future for all peoples on Turtle Island.

  • Approachable

    As your instructors, Jacquelyn and Hunter prioritize creating an inclusive learning environment, employing a trust-based teaching approach to ensure that every learner feels welcome, heard, and supported throughout their reconciliation journey.

  • Supportive

    With Jacquelyn and Hunter guiding your path, prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and transformed as you and your organization embark on a meaningful journey towards fostering a better future with Reconciliation Engine.

  • Gifted Facilitators and Storytellers

    "Hunter and Jacquelyn are gifted facilitators and storytellers — balancing hard truths and difficult emotions with openness, warmth, and hope."

    Cameron Macrae, Edmonton Opera

  • Amazing Teachers and Guides

    Jacquelyn and Hunter Cardinal have been amazing teachers and guides as we build our understanding of Indigenous world views, cultural traditions, and ways of being in respectful relationships with communities."

    Ilene Fleming, United Way

  • Important Canadian Leaders

    "In our eyes, Jacquelyn and Hunter are important Canadian leaders thoughtfully bridging Indigenous traditions and new ways of problem-solving."

    Ben Weinlick, Skills Society Action Lab

Flexible and Scalable Pricing for Your Organization

Invest in your organization's future with Reconciliation Engine's powerful learning platform. Our scalable pricing and user licensing options ensure everyone on your team benefits from insightful knowledge and essential tools to foster understanding, inspire change, and nurture cultural harmony.

Choose Your Subscription

Reconciliation Engine offers two base subscription plans - Annual and Monthly - to accommodate organizations of various sizes and needs. Both plans grant 5 users access to all course content, resources, and support. Choose between an annual payment model for extended savings or a flexible monthly payment option.

Extend User Access with License Bundles

For organizations needing more than five user licenses, Reconciliation Engine provides additional user license bundles.

Seamlessly add these supplementary license bundles to your base subscription plan to meet your organization's requirements.

Each additional license grants a user full access to Reconciliation Engine's courses, resources, and customer support. These licenses do not expire but require an active Reconciliation Engine subscription for continued use.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Experience Genuine Change or Your Money Back

We are confident that Reconciliation Engine will positively impact your organization by fostering understanding, empathy, and lasting transformation. However, we understand that investing in a new learning platform can feel like a leap of faith.

That's why we offer a risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee. If, within the first 30 days, you don't feel that Reconciliation Engine has benefited your organization with enhanced knowledge of Indigenous history and cultures or has empowered your team to make genuine progress towards reconciliation, simply contact us at hello@naheyawin.ca to request a full refund.

Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we stand by the quality and effectiveness of our platform. Embark on your Reconciliation Engine journey with confidence and peace of mind, supported by our no-risk satisfaction guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Reconciliation Engine designed for?

Reconciliation Engine's mission is to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to foster understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island (North America). The platform is suitable for various sectors, including governments, oil and gas, finance, and non-profits, as they address challenges such as cultivating social license, adhering to standards, regulatory compliance, and developing relationships with Indigenous communities.

What are the technical requirements to access Reconciliation Engine?

Reconciliation Engine is a user-friendly, web-based platform accessible on desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone devices. There are no specific technical requirements to access the platform, as it is compatible with modern web browsers and operating systems.

How many users can access the platform with a single subscription?

A single subscription to the Reconciliation Engine includes five user licenses. If you need more licenses for additional users, you can purchase license bundles to extend user access according to your organization's requirements.

Can I purchase additional licenses for my organization?

Yes, you can purchase additional licenses to meet your organization's needs. Reconciliation Engine offers license bundles that seamlessly integrate with your base subscription plan. Please refer to the pricing section for more details on license bundles.

Are there any hidden fees or additional costs?

The subscription fees for Reconciliation Engine cover full access to all platform features, content, and support. There are no hidden fees or additional charges. You may choose to purchase extra user licenses or upgrade between subscription plans, but these are optional.

 Is there a discount if we subscribe annually?

Yes! By choosing the Annual Subscription plan, you save 18% compared to the Monthly Subscription plan. The Annual Subscription also offers you the convenience of a one-time payment for the whole year.

Can I cancel my subscription if I'm not satisfied?

We are confident in the value and impact of Reconciliation Engine but understand that it might not be the right fit for everyone. We offer a risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, contact us at hello@naheyawin.ca to request a full refund. For cancellation after the first 30 days, please refer to our cancellation policy.

Are the course materials updated regularly?

Yes, we are committed to keeping the Reconciliation Engine content up to date, engaging, and relevant for our users. We regularly review and revise our course materials to ensure they remain informative, accurate, and aligned with current events and emerging knowledge in the fields of Indigenous history, culture, and reconciliation.

How can I reach out for help and support?

The Reconciliation Engine is backed by our dedicated support team, always ready to assist with content, technical, or administrative questions. For help and support, you can email us at hello@naheyawin.ca or visit our contact page to get in touch.


We're really excited that you're considering Reconciliation Engine for your journey in fostering understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. We've poured our hearts into creating this engaging, story-based learning experience, and we believe it has the power to inspire real, lasting change.

Joining us means making a commitment to a brighter, more inclusive future for all, and we're thrilled to have you as part of this community. Your choice to be a part of Reconciliation Engine is greatly appreciated, and we know it'll leave a lasting impact for generations to come.

We can't wait to support you and your organization on this exciting and meaningful adventure.

Jacquelyn and Hunter